1. Background and Purpose
- The Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) is a Canadian “Not For Profit” organization incorporated under Canadian law to promote physics research, education and activities in society.
- The CAP is operated in accordance with General Operating By-Law No.4 [1].
- This document presents the Terms of Reference for the CAP Student Advisory Council. The mandate of the Student Advisory Council is to represent the interests of students and student members in a broad sense and provide advice and counsel to the Board.
- The document takes its authority from CAP Policy 1, CAP Board Organization and Structure [2]. See Figure 1.
Figure 1. CAPSAC Governance Structure
2. Reporting and Accountability
The Chair of the Student Advisory Council shall report to the Board of Directors in advance of regularly scheduled Board meetings. Urgent matters shall be brought to the attention of the President and Executive Director immediately.
3. Responsibilities / Deliverables
- The Chair of the Student Advisory Council, in consultation with the Student Advisory Council members has the authority to take action as required to manage CAP Student Advisory Council matters.
- The Student Advisory Council ensures that issues and concerns raised by the students are addressed to the extent practicable.
- The Student Advisory Council should support CAP activities related to physics students (e.g. the Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference).
- The Student Advisory Council should assist and support other CAP committees and working groups as appropriate and should identify student representatives as necessary.
- The Student Advisory Council should take actions as required to maintain adequate membership in the Student Advisory Council and to ensure continuity and sustainability of the Student Advisory Council.
- The Student Advisory Council should prepare an annual report (usually in the first quarter of a year) following CAP Board guidelines. An outline for this report is presented in the Appendix.
- The Student Advisory Council shall safeguard the reputation of CAP by ensuring that CAP matters are managed in accordance with the appropriate legal obligations and regulations, with integrity and high ethical standards, and in a manner which is aligned with the goals of the membership.
4. Membership
- The Student Advisory Council shall be established annually on the recommendations of the Nomination and Awards Committee and ratified by the CAP Board of Directors.
- The Student Advisory Council is formed from the following representatives:
- 8-12 Physics student members from across Canada. Keeping the notion of intersectionality in mind, the Student Advisory Council should make every effort to have representation from equity-seeking groups as discussed in the TOR for the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Standing Committee.
- Student Membership councillors,
- One member of the Board of Directors, and
- A member of Staff who will act as a non-voting resource
- Additional Student Advisory Council members may be appointed by the Board as deemed necessary.
- The Student Advisory Council Chair shall be selected from the Student Advisory Council Members.
5. Meetings
- At a minimum, the Student Advisory Council should meet in-person or through teleconference prior to each in-person Board meeting.
- Meetings should be convened by the Chair or upon request of at least two members of the Student Advisory Council.
- Quorum should be a majority of the members of the Student Advisory Council. A simple majority is required for all decisions/recommendations, with the Chair vote being exercised to break a tie.
- In absence of the Chair, the members of the Student Advisory Council should appoint an Acting Chair.
- The Chair should set and circulate an agenda at least seven days in advance of the meeting and should designate a member of the Student Advisory Council to act as secretary who should prepare and distribute minutes within seven days of the meeting.
- A copy of the minutes should be provided to the CAP office staff for archiving.
- Communication between the Student Advisory Council members should be conducted primarily through electronic means, or by tele-conference when an urgent response is required.
CAP General Operating By-Law No. 4
CAP Policy 1, CAP Board Organization and Policy.
The annual Report should include the following items:
- Report for the Previous Year: This item should summarize activities and accomplishments from the previous year, as well as any other items of note.
- Goals and Activities Planned for the Upcoming Year: This item should describe all planned activities for the upcoming year. This should include activities continuing from the previous years.
- Budget and Resource Needs for the Upcoming Year: This item should outline budget and resource requirements (i.e. CAP staff resources and anticipated teleconference needs) for the upcoming year.
- Anticipated Issues and Challenges for upcoming year: This item should outline known issues, risks and challenges anticipated for the upcoming year.