Pronouns: she/her
Affiliation: graduate student at the University of British Columbia (UBC)
Email: rachelwang@phas.ubc.ca
Welcome, friend!
After earning my bachelor’s degree at UBC in Combined Honours in Physics and Astronomy, I decided to stay at UBC to continue the fun and am currently pursuing a graduate degree in theoretical quantum gravity. I am proudly serving (alongside fellow CAP SAC member B Kell) as your LGBTQ+ student representative. If you have any ideas/suggestions – don’t be shy, please shoot me a message! We would love to hear from you.
After a brief stint in experimental AMO physics working with TRIUMF/CERN on the Antihydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus (ALPHA) project, I decided to transition from the world of lasers and antimatter to a new world filled with Feynman diagrams (I even have a tattoo of one!) and thought experiments. My current research endeavours have me involved with the good people at UBC/Caltech, working on experimental design and verification for theories of quantum gravity on the amazing LIGO (which made the first direct observation of gravitational waves in 2015)!
The three things that make my heart smile are dogs, space, and physics. But, I also love running a marathon (yes, that’s intentionally singular), playing guitar and singing, hiking in our beautiful backyard of North Vancouver, and reading physics-related books.
…and that’s all from me for now. Stay tuned, folks!